Friday 26 February 2010

Yesterday we met a man...

Yesterday we met a man who had gotten himself into deep trouble. He had been thrown out from the ferry (for some dubious reasons) and arrested, all his money had been stolen. He was stuck on this island and nobody would tell him how to get out of here or where he should go to get help. Nobody would stop on the street to talk to him. The police treated him very badly (someone who would not lie is a witness), when he asked for help in a polite manner, they almost attacked him physically. They did not want to give him his things (credit cards + mobile phones), although they were rightfully his and he was no longer under arrest. They also pretended not to speak Finnish.

We entertained him for a couple of hours, witnessed very bad behaviour on the behalf of the local police, gave him a ride to the ferry terminal and bought him a ticket so that he could go home.

This man's only mistake was that he was a member of a minority that has been inhabiting Finland for the past 500 years. A minority that has never been considered as part of society and that still receives a lot of crap from everyone. He was a gypsy.


Hornbill said...

May God bless you for your good heart

I am from Borneo island and my blog

Do visit and comment

Go Crazy said...

Ennakkoluulot istuvat syvässä. Ihmisten asenteita tuntuu olevan vaikea muuttaa... Mustalaiset ja mustat kärsinevät tästä pahiten Suomessa.

Zsuzsi said...

Satu: niinhän se on, toivottavati näitäkin asenteita saisi muutettua pikkuhiljaa.

Hornbill: will do!