Saturday 20 February 2010

Will they or will they not?

Saturday mornings are made for reading relationship gossip. Now Sweden is debating whether the youngest princess will get married after all, apparently her fiancé is a workaholic who doesn't spend enough time on their relationship. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are another example, the world has been expecting them to break up ever since they got together.
Why am I reading about this? And more importantly, why am I blogging about it? I don't even believe in the value of royal families or other celebrities. They are individuals who belong to a certain group of people because of their families, talents, money or good looks. Maybe because it's sad that some evil journalists have nothing better to do than speculate about people's personal lives. The rest of the world might consider it entertainment, but it's unlikely that the situation is easy on anyone of those involved.
In general people spend too much time worrying about celebrities. Sex and misery sell magazines, and we eagerly buy them. But do we really fail to see that our interest in these matters leads to a vicious circle that affects the lives of real people: the celebrities? We buy the magazines to read about them, and because of this they have to live with stalkers and paparazzi controlling every step of their lives, just to mention a couple of things.  
I sincerely hope that one day people will learn to focus on more important things.

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