Friday 12 February 2010


A few weeks ago I was asking for tips for some serious exercise that would not take too long to do. One of my personal favourites that I like to do from time to time is skipping.

The benefits of skipping are similar to those of running: it burns a lot of calories, it's cheap and can be done anywhere, and it improves cardio-respiratory fitness. It is also beneficial for flexibility and co-ordination, and unlike running, skipping is also a fairly effective workout for the upper body. And it's a lot of fun!


Le Hamster Ruso said...

No me veo yo saltando a la comba jeje

Zsuzsi said...

Deberías probarlo, es divertísimo! :D

Le Hamster Ruso said...

Me pongo a saltar en casa y casi que me tiran de ella jaja. Y en la calle aun menos... Queda raro ver a un chaval alto de 26 años saltando a la comba