Saturday 27 February 2010

Learning Vocab

Grammar is a fun jigsaw puzzle, listening and reading are easy, pronounciation and spelling don't require too much of an effort. But words, oh those words! Everyone has their weaknesses when it comes to learning a foreign language and mine is definitely memorising vocabulary. The words just don't stick.
As you, dear readers, might know, I'm in the process of learning Hungarian, and I have spent this morning mixing up words: kevés (small), kerék (wheel), kedves (dear), kérdés (question), kerek (round), kérek (I ask)... you get the point.

After a quick search on the internet, I found these tips that might be worth a try:

  • Flascards: flashcards are good because you will repeat the word until you remember it, and it's also easy to bring the cards with you so that you can practise anywhere. That way you can take advantage of all that time that you spend doing nothing (going somewhere, waiting on someone) and do something useful instead.
  • Post-its: stick a post-it onto every item you can find, with the name of the item in whichever language you are trying to learn. The names of the objects will stick quite quicly. However, the question is if the people you live with are as interested as you in learning some random language.
  • Repetition: it might be boring, and it might take time, but repetition is the key.
  • Learn words in a context: there is no point in knowing 2000 words if you don't know how to use them.
  • Use the words: same as with repetition really. If you use the words you have learnt, your brain will not forget them.
  • Games: some people learn by playing (I don't), and there are lots of word games you can use; hangman, puzzles, etc. 
  • Definitions: look up words in a dictionary, write them down in a notebook together with their definitions, synonyms etc. This one sounds like fun!!

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