Sunday, 10 July 2011

What I Wish I’d Known When I was 8

No matter how much they talk about you, or laugh at you, one day you will be loved and respected for what you are.

If I would have known that then, I probably wouldn’t have decided to get myself into an endless crazy quest where the only limit is the sky and the stars beyond it.

When I was eight years old, one short moment shaped my life. That’s when I swallowed my tears, held my head high and decided that I was going to be better. Unfortunately, “better” is a rather vague concept, so achieving that betterness turned out to be a long process, one that will never end. Because once you’re stuck in that quest, you won’t get out of it.

But it’s OK. What’s done remains done, and this life of mine has turned out to be pretty great.


Riikka said...

tunnistan fiilikset, huh, niin hyvin.

piti sanoa aiemmin, et ois ollut kiva nähdä helsingissä, mutta unohtui. seuraavan kerran kun tuut, mennään vaikka teelle tai jotain?

Zsuzsi said...

Joo!!! :)