Monday, 11 July 2011

Mais oui, she said.

It’s Monday again and this week there will be a lot of things to look forward… guess who’s moving out this week? Moi! It’s about time because no matter how much I love my family, I need my space. And TT will be here in a week and a half. (Finally – I need cuddles to relieve my grumpiness). The most exciting part about moving, almost as exciting as cuddling, is sorting books.



Runaway train never coming back….


On the ferry the other day my faith in men died a little bit. A group of blonde vikings with rings on their fingers were hitting on three giggling Asian women. When the words “having fun in the sauna” were uttered, I almost choked on my food. OK, toughening up a little bit might be a good idea, letting people mind their own business…



I’ve got my mind set on youuuuuu….


Travelling 22 hours to get a pumpkin… can that be considered normal?  (now, the pumpkin was not the sole reason for the trip… there’s still an ounce of sanity left. maybe)



So, I don’t hesitate no more, no more…


Sometimes I wish I was braver. Like those girls who don’t hesitate for a moments. Like those girl who wear red dresses with polka dots and can charm everyone around them with their laughter. That would be nice.



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