Sunday 14 March 2010

Thought of the day at 1 a.m.

Some people consider their glass to be half empty, others think that theirs is half full. Just don't pour too much tea in the cup, or you might burn your fingers. [But. Usually it's worth it anyway.]


Le Hamster Ruso said...

El problema es que el vaso mide el doble de lo que debería jeje

Anonymous said...

I keep many different green and black teas in my kitchen, some decaffeinated, some not. Tea is a relaxing beverage for me and it is an excellent substitute for alcoholic beverages, while providing zero calories, which is perfect for me.

Thanks for following Secret Story Time, I'm following your blog too.


Zsuzsi said...

Sebastían: :)

Secretia: I completely agree with you on tea. Have you ever tried white tea?