Saturday 27 March 2010

Random Fives

Señorita had this cool meme in her blog, which was a bit different from all the ordinary ones, so I decided to share some extremely important facts with you.. It would also be nice to see this in everybody else’s blogs.

Things I won't ever be:
1.) A doctor: doctors have to stand the sight of suffering people and blood..
2.) Average. I’m going to be the best, and if I cannot be the best, at least I will be different. Amen.
3.) Organised. I work best when there's a bit of a mess.
4.) A nun : the thought of giving up sex and waking up at 5 a.m sounds like a nightmare. And I'm not even  catholic.
5.) A fluent French-speaker (unfortunately)

Things I refuse to give up:
1.) Caffeine: coffee I can live without, but the rest? Naahhh…
2.) Tea
3.) Ice-cream
4.) My studies
5.) Frequent changes of hair colour.

Things I won't be doing anytime soon:
1.) Driving a car. It would be illegal, and extremely dangerous :)
2.) Travelling around the world. It’s all about the money... or rather, the lack of it.
3.) Getting married & buying a house
4.) Learning Chinese - there are a few other languages before that on the list
5.) Reading another book by Anton Chekov. Me not like.

Things I am thankful for:
1.) My family
2.) The fact that I have always had the possibility to chase my dreams
3.) That I was born where I was
4.) All the people I have met, and all the people I will meet
5.) Myself. I’m the only me in the whole world.


Anonymous said...

I'll never be a nun either, but I'll never be pregnant.


Zsuzsi said...

Secretia: I'm very sorry to hear that.

Senorita said...

OMG, thank you for doing this ! I love your answers, you dream chaser, you !

Zsuzsi said...

Señorita: I'm glad you liked it :D

ender said...

I liked it too