Monday 27 February 2012


Yay, it’s the last week of the worst month of the year. For me this month is ending with three deadlines plus a presentation in Hungarian.  I’m hoping that March will bring with it some trips (to Hungary and to Finland), good times with friends and family, less deadlines (!), pampering and love. This morning, while admiring the sunrise on the way to work, I realised that spring really is here soon.

Spring, March, is also waking up the fighter in me. While February has been characterised by apathy at all fronts, I want March to be fun, warm and challenging.


You know where this is going, right?


CHALLENGING, she said. Let’s think of a challenge, something that has to be done in March.

One my great plans for March is to run more – my challenge for March will be regular running. Regular means 4 times a week: 1 x interval running, 1 x quick, short run, 1 x medium run and 1 x long run. If possible, outside the gym and the treadmill. Hopefully I’ll have the chance to go for a run in some pretty amazing European cities during this month.


In March I will also finish my current job. This has been clear for quite some time, and I decided to opt for a “risky” option: instead of looking for a “real” job, I have been offered an internship at a place where my studies will be really useful. As it starts after Easter, I’ll have some time off (hence the travelling) for the first time in a long time. I’m excited!


So, come on, tell me: what’s new with you and… what are your personal challenges for March?

1 comment:

Smedette said...

I am also issuing myself a running challenge. Not so much distance, but just being consistent - running 4 or 5 times a week.