Saturday 21 January 2012


After I decided to start eating more healthily, my cravings have become pretty healthy, too. Instead of burgers, chocolate and pizza, my brain and body call for oranges, yogurt and nuts. One thing that I haven’t eaten in ages, but which is one of my absolute favourites is tzatziki. Today my friend K came over for lunch/dinner, and since she’s as much of a tzatziki-fan as I am, we decided to make a big bowl of this wonderful Greek meze.


Salad: chicken with garlic and chili, lettuce, avocado, tomato, red pepper, cucumber and a couple of spoons of bulgur. Add lots of tzatziki.

Tzatziki, as you know, is made of Greek (or Turkish) yoghurt, grated and drained cucumber, garlic, salt & pepper.

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