Monday, 13 October 2014

Dnes je skvelý deň! [Days 2 and 3/500]

Dnes je skvelý deň, today is a beautiful day. Monday, pondelok. Sometimes - quite often - I think about Slovakia, niekedy mi chýba Slovensko.

Good morning, Monday.

It's raining outside. And it's dark.
Yet the world is beautiful. 
My holiday starts on Thursday and I'm already longing for the sun.
Maybe it is not Slovakia as such that I miss, rather, I'd say it's the sense of adventure. Oh, well. if adventure doesn't come to you, you go seek adventure. In the little things. 

That sounds like a plan.

It is crazy. I am one of those people who need routine. Yet, I am one of those people who needs adventures. Or maybe just a certain degree of cosmopolitanism in my life.

Good morning, World. 

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