Monday, 11 April 2011

Veil, Or No Veil?

As you probably know by now, France has banned the wearing of the veil in public places. This, in my opinion is wrong. There are loud voices arguing that this is a move to protect the women. But – protect them from what? From religion? Who’s to say that our religion is better than their religion for those who believe. From old traditions that subject the women to whatever crazy ideas men might have? But is it really so – will the removal of one piece of clothing really change anything for those women? Maybe they will end up locked inside their homes because not wearing a veil is against their culture, not dancing on the French streets in miniskirts.

Has anyone asked these women what they want? And what right does a government have to regulate what people are wearing.  Does this mean that a government has the right to start introducing different measures to protect their citizens? The state has a duty to protect its citizens from certain things, but when it starts interefering in the private sphere, that's when it starts getting tricky. And, let’s face it, there is a lot we need to be protected from: bullying, sugar, fat, violence on tv, porn, the media, demanding bosses that will cause a burn out, dangerous books and ideas, depressions… anything that hurts society: ill people (cost too much), clever people (protest too much), different people (are not like us), lazy people (everyone has to contribute), crazy people (who knows what they are up to?.

And where does this lead us? Actually, I don't even want to think about it because it scares me. A lot.


keishua said...

This is so true. The western gaze always thinks it knows what best. However, we have to assume that veil wearing women in France may actually be choosing that for a reason. This rule just screams fear and intolerance.

Go Crazy said...

Tuohon uskontokysymykseen tarttumatta, eikös joku täti jo saanut sakot aiheesta? Jonka jälkeen viimeistään tuo suojeluperuste kuulostaa hassulta. Vai ketä siinä oikeasti "varjellaan", ko. naisia itseään vai muita ihmisiä...