Saturday 1 September 2012

Sleepless In Godforsaken Lands

Why sleep when one can drink chamomile tea and eat cheese while listening to the rain? It’s also September – autumn’s starting, yay. All great changes happen in autumn, does anyone know why that is so?

Here’s a short list of the things I want to do in September (apart from the necessary things – that list is about as long as the Finnish constitution and I wouldn’t want to bore you with the details. If you for some odd reason would like to read the Constitution of Finland, you can find it here).

  • Drink more water. 1,5 – 2 liters/day is the recommended amount. Some people speak of liquids, but I’m quite sure this applies to water and NOT coffee. Ehem. 
  • Find a flat that has a kitchen where one can make goulash. Note: the essential part here is the goulash, not the kitchen. Making the goulash is probably cheaper than going to Hungary.
  • Walk more – fresh air is good for the brain.
  • Read something (anything!) for pleasure. Karl Marx does not count. Translate something. Write something. Do anything that involves letters. And a pen. And a notebook.
  • Start getting up earlier in the morning + do some yoga, maybe. Or perhaps getting up at a decent time is enough.
  • Meet all my friends at least once. Even if it’s for talking about absolutely nothing. Throwing a party could be fun. A party with some goulash.

Right. This does not look like rocket science.

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