Monday 3 January 2011

Two hours and weekly goals (week 1)

I’ve got two hours to wake up and to cure myself (cold seems to be back) before going to the gym. I’m doing so with an impressive amount of coffee, delicious breakfast and good music. I really do hope it will help because a) I have something fun to look forward at the gym, and b) being ill is no fun (like anyone ever said it was).

Katie had a good post about weekly goals and I think I’ll join her mini-challenge. These weekly goals are supposed to be small, but attainable. Nonetheless, they are also challenging and will break some unhealthy eating/thinking/behavioural patterns. 

My goals for the first week of January are:
  • Exercise: the goal for this week is to work out 6 times: run 3 times and do strength training 3 times. As this is the weekly amount of exercise I want to do throughout the year, I’d better get started now. I also plan to go for a daily walk, mostly to get fresh air and keep my mind clear.
  • Eating: I’m generally eating quite well, but I feel there are some things that could be improved in my diet. One of these is the role of carbs. The right kind of carbs are important for the body, but “white” carbs don’t taste good and there are plenty of better alternatives out there. This week I will not eat any white bread or pasta. Lately I haven’t been drinking enough water either, so another goal is to drink 2 litres a day. 
  • Thinking: I sometimes have a tendency to completely lose faith in myself. This week I want to strengthen the “yes, you can”-attitude by trying different mind tools, like visualisations and affirmations.
Do you have any goals for this week?


Le Hamster Ruso said...

El agua oxida. Diez millones de clavos no pueden estar equivocados =/

Zsuzsi said...

Hmm... puede que tengas razón. Continuaré con el café entonces. Pero no se supones que tienes que estar en un avión o algo? ;)