Monday 28 June 2010

Back to normal?

Hello, all you sweet people out there.. did you survive the weekend? I just want to get back to my daily routine of eating healthily, doing exercise and reading interesting things. So no more partying and hangovers. That’s the plan :)


Before the party. Lots of good food: about five types of fish and an abundance of alcohol.


The day after. PJ-day. Doing nothing-day. Blaaah-day. 


Having chips for the first time in months. Got to admit it, though. they were gooood. Real food for the hang over soul. 

Now I need to go and find some boxes: we are going to move this week, you see.

Have a good week!!!


Go Crazy said...

Aivan ihana tuo spiraaliastia tuossa ylimmässä kuvassa! Onko se jonkun tietyn valmistajan/malliston?

Mitä nuo alimmassa kuvassa herneiden(?) alla olevat pyörylät ovat?consma

Zsuzsi said...

Satu, astia taitaa olla ihan Ikeasta hankittu, mutta voin kysäistä omistajalta onko asia tosiaan niin. Ja pyörylät ovat ihan vain kalaa (kummeliturskaa?). Tuossa on siis sipulia, valkosipulia, oliiviöljyä, valkoviiniä, herneitä, tuota kalaa ja vettä. Ihan hyvää :)

knickknacks said...

Nice! =) Love your cute polka dot boxers! Oh and what's that dish swimming in peas?

Zsuzsi said...

knickknacks: heh, thanks :) The fish swimming in the peas is hake!

Zsuzsi said...

Satu: astia on kuulemma Tukholmasta ostettu, sen enempää en tiedä :(