[don’t laugh at the hairstyle. please]
Excited about the trip to Stockholm tomorrow. Yup. Yet another one. This one will be dedicated to translation and the hunt for a pair of sunnies.
Sad because a good friend is leaving. And nobody knows when she will return.
Guilty for having eaten too much. No comments.
Tired from too much swimming. Didn’t drown this time either.
Happy that the sun is still shining at 9.30 p.m. There is nothing as beautiful as summer near the Arctic Circle. Nothing in the whole world.
In love with this song. i.love.hungarian.
[it might be time to wash the mirror]
Interested in the book that came with the post today. How come all books on positive psychology are yellow?
Lucky to have such a great family and friends. It was so nice talking to an old friend from Slovakia this morning (pozdravy Ivane, ja viem, ze čítas!!).
Thankful for all the possibilities life is throwing at me. Adventures!!
Thrilled at the prospect of travelling. Open invitations include the States and Tokyo. Well, Spain could be a good start.
Surprised that it’s possible to sleep 9 hours. And still need a nap shortly afterwards.
Intrigued to know what will happen with Greece. How badly can a country behave before being thrown out of the EU?
Optimistic about the future, Everything will be alright.
Annoyed at all those striking people. Or, more precisely, at the employers who don’t treat their people right.
Disappointed that some people can be such idiots. But we already knew that.
Frustrated about that EU-exam. When will I get it done?
Enjoying green tea with ginseng and raspberry. Yummy.
How do you feel today?
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