Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Keine Lust auf gar nichts

Not in the mood for anything, lallalaa. The last few days have passed in a haze. I just realized that this is the longest time I’ve spend on this island since I ran away almost ten years ago, it’s affecting me and making me question all the most basic things, mostly myself. The problem is that I don’t really know how to get out of this situation, how to feel good about myself again. Any ideas?


Side note: at least I have what “it takes to compete for a place in a course in Finnish for beginners”. Well, I’d better. I don’t think I could live with the shame of not having been admitted to such a course. The reason, by the way, I’ve even applied for a course in Finnish for beginners is that a 2nd language in Finno-Ugric languages is required for advancing to the next level of Hungarian, not because Finnish is so fascinating that I want to learn it all over again from zero. (It is, however, fascinating enough to learn, in case any of you is up for the challenge!)

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