Wednesday, 16 February 2011

The Perfect Life


Before drifting off to sleep this afternoon, I was trying to imagine my perfect life. What would it look like? Where would it be?

In my mind a painted a picture of a small house, a cottage maybe, near the water. Coming from an island makes water important. The windows were big and the house was bathing in sunlight. There were piles of books everywhere, and the wooden floors were covered by colourful rugs. In that life I was working with words, and I think I was into healthy living, being a vegetarian and annoyingly active. That life had nothing to do with nine to five, or pressure, or stress, or any other negative aspects that was dragging me down. My perfect life would be simple, sunny and filled with books.

How about you, what does your perfect life look like?


Le Hamster Ruso said...

Mi vida perfecta sería volver a ser universitario jeje

Zsuzsi said...

No es imposible... lo hice yo ;)

keishua said...

I think that is a perfect life. Sun and books make me so happy. Oh, a nice pot of tea and small dinner parties.