Monday 8 March 2010

Pink and Blue

I usually don't show any outfits in this blog because I don't think it's very relevant, but today is an exception :) The dress, which was a veeeery early birthday present, is from Topshop.
Now I'll quickly finish the tea break and attack my Hungarian books: the topic of today is verbs.
In Hungarian, just like the Slavic languages, verbs can get various prefixes when denoting movement. So, depending on the direction in which the movement occurs, you will have to use a particular prefix. It's not really that difficult but remembering all the forms requires some practice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Zsuzsi !
Just passed by. Was looking for any references on "Zsuzsi" as a name of someone I've just known and lives in Szeged.
Comment just for the recoed... ;)
Enjoyed reading your self-profiling. Keep being a positive thinker, as for me... I gave it up long time ago.
Be Happy (please).