Wednesday 10 March 2010

Early To Bed Early To Rise Makes A Man Healthy Wealthy And Wise

Or, let's use a more interesting version: "As the olde englysshe prouerbe sayth in this wyse. Who soo woll ryse erly shall be holy helthy and zely". 

Something that has been occupying my mind a lot lately is sleep, not the physical phenomenon as such, but the more theoretical aspects, such as sleeping disorders.....

One thing that I'm absolutely sure of is that I'm a night owl. If I let nature run its course (i.e. switch off the alarm clock), I will wake up at around noon and stay up until 4 or 5 in the morning. Whenever I try to re-adapt to the rules of society, the consequences are quite harsh. Getting back to a more normal rhythm requires a lot of extra hours of sleep and grumpy faces, something that earned me the oh so flattering nickname marmotín (marmot). Mind you, I normally don't need more sleep than anyone else, I just sleep at strange hours.  

Some of us are larks, others are owls, but the vast majority of the population finds itself somewhere in between. It's often (but not always) argued that morning people hold an advantage over late risers; they are supposedly nicer and more successful. But why? Maybe because our whole society is constructed in a way that favours early risers - schools, jobs, offices, shops... almost everything is open from early morning to early evening. I understand that there is no such thing as an ideal solution, and our schedules are usually formed according to whatever it is that suits the majority BUT considering that about 25% of people are evening people (although not everyone stays up until 3 am), one would think that there would be a bit more of sleeping freedom. You see, night owls tend to find their energy after 9 p.m., at a time that almost nobody needs their services. 

This post doesn't really have a point, other than... long live the night owls! We are just as nice and normal as everyone else AND we sleep a normal amount of hours as well.

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