(Getting up at 6-freaking-am is definitely not my cup of tea)
So, speaking of Slovak, here are some opinions on the language this far (from a completely non-scientific point of view).
The combinations of consonants are quite… well, unpronounceable
English | Slovak | Polish | Russian |
Hi! | Ahoj | Cześć | Привет! |
Good morning! | Dobré ráno! | Dobre rano | доброе утро! |
Good day! | Dobrý deň! | Dzień dobry | добрый день |
Good evening! | Dobrý večer! | Dobry wieczór | добрый вечер |
How are you? | Ako sa máš? | Jak się masz? | Как поживаешь? |
Thank you | Ďakujem | Dziękuję | спасибо |
Good night | Dobrú noc! | Dobranoc | спокойной ночи |
Good bye | Do videnia! | Do widzenia! | до свидания |
I have to go | Musím ísť | Muszę iść | Я должен/должна идти |
Nice to meet you | Teší ma! | Miło mi | очень приятно |
I like you | Mám ťa rád | Lubię cię | Я люблю тебя |
I’m kidding | Ja žartujem | Żartuję | Я шучу |
No problem! | Nie je problém | Nie ma problemu | нет проблем |
I don’t understand | Nerozumiem tomu! | Nie rozumiem | Не понимаю |
I don’t know | Ja neviem! | Nie wiem | Я не знаю |
What is this? | čo je to? | Co to jest? | Что это? |
I’m lost | Som sa stratil/a | Zgubilem/zgubilam sie | Я заблудился/Я заблудилась |
Do you like it? | Páči sa ti to? | Podoba ci się? | Тебе нравится (это)? |
Learning some in a classroom setting could definitely provide a decent foundation, but I think you'll make more progress on your own. I like the comparative table you have – Slovak reminds me of Serbian quite a bit! Especially for "I don't understand" (it's Ne razumem in Serbian) and "Goodbye" (Do viđenja in Serbian).
Thanks for the comment.
Yeah, I will probably try to learn the language on my own, and try not to mix these languages too much. Just need to find a decent grammar book - will check the UCLA databse :)
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