Monday, 27 June 2011

“Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.”*

Right now I love the colour yellow, as in sunshine, the soft breeze caressing my face. And melancholic poets and happy musicians who sing about the beauty of life, and the sadness, the longing and the twinkling stars, everything that makes life what it is.

The nights are growing longer now, the butterflies will be dying one by one, until it’s time for them to re-appear in a year or so. Because re-appear they will. But their wings haven’t slowed down yet.

I also love my friends and watching people falling in love. And love as such is a great feeling, too. There is something beautiful about fathers and their children. And playing puppies. The word svoboda (+ alternative spellings) is one of the most important words in the world.

Yoga has partly conquered my heart, even though it hurts and makes me want to scream.

But maybe. Most of all. I love cold coffee the most. Right now.


* quote by Thich Nhat Hanh.


Anonymous said...

Such a happy post!

I'm getting ready to start another yoga program...oh, the pain...

knickknacks said...

A lovely post to start off the day! :) Let us all embrace what life has to give!

Zsuzsi said...

Thanks for your comments (and sorry for my late reply).

smedette, good luck with the new yoga routine. You know it'll be worth it :)

knickknacks: let's!