1) whose life is based on a few basic principles: everyone is equal, we must all take responsibility of our lives, we only have one life to live, and the happiness of others is just as important as our own happiness.
2) knows quite a few languages (Finnish, Swedish, English, Spanish, Russian, Polish, some Hungarian)...
3)... and has studied a few more (French, German, Latin, Italian and Dutch)...
4)... but who finds it really difficult to express herself in ANY language.
5) ... and on top of that feels "rootless": as she has spent most of her life either wishing to live somewhere else or living in a suitcase, she now feels homeless.
6) at the moment she lives on a cursed island in the middle of nowhere, but has no intention whatsoever of staying there.
7) but she doesn’t know where to go next.
8) her dream is to own a donkey and a goat.
9) depression and suicide run in the family. It seems that it only affects the men of the family, though, so she’s supposedly lucky.
10) another thing that runs in the family: TWINS. That would most certainly affect the women of the family. Ouch.
11) speaking of children: she might not necessarily want them, but she definitely wants to get married.
12) she believes that anything is possible: you just need to make up your mind, create a plan and follow it.
13) but making decisions is very difficult.
14) is drinking wine at the moment.
15) she’s a loner (loves going her own way) who hates sleeping alone.
16) it seems like she’s blossoming quite late.
17) films about WWII are a big nono: they only cause nightmares.
18) would love to be a renaissance man AKA a polymath, i.e. "a person with superior intelligence who has learnt much".
19) has a tendency to underestimate and doubt herself. Too much.
20) if one has to choose between laughing and crying, then laughing is the far better option.
21) is afraid of children under five years of age.
22) gets annoyed with people who can’t spell...
23)... and people who think they know it all.
24) firmly believes that life without boredom is possible.
25) once smoked a tiny bit of pot in Warsaw, and got a huge headache. Never again. Ever.
26) would be a femme fatale if she could, but seems to be doomed to be the nice girl nextdoor.
27) and she constantly changes her hair colour.
28) reads Dostoevsky and other Russians for fun...
29) ... and contemplates the possibility of learning French just so that she can read Camus and Sartre in the original.
30) is much more left-wing that right-wing...
31)...and she used to consult a certain Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov on world politics in her dreams. Normal? Maybe not.
32) has a huge crush on eastern Europe and anything Slavonic. It’s luuuuuv.
33) loves bubble baths.
34) and raspberries in champagne (cava will also do)
35) suffers from the good-girl-syndrome.
36) could live on rye bread for the rest of her life: unfortunately her stomach seems to be very sensitive to it.
37) loves to play.
38) is slowly starting to get drunk.
39) would love to own her own library.
40) loves hugging and kissing and cuddling.
41) is curious about how it feels like to kiss a girl. Hah, I bet you couldn’t see that one coming.
42) has been in love once in her life. And he reads this. If he made it this far.
43) her greatest memory is sitting in a car, somewhere on the Hungarian puszta and listening to dance music.
44) She would love to do that again.
45) Favourite words: szivárvány = rainbow (Hungarian), rompecabezas = puzzle (Spanish) and zhizneradost’ = "joy for life" (Russian).
46) and she could even imagine having all those words tattoed to her body.
47) she thinks dirty but doesn’t talk dirty because she’s too shy. Too much information? Get over it!
48) she has a thing for accents and dialects.
49) she used to do horsebackriding for many, many years.
50) and she’s a perfectionist. At the moment she has got full points in Hungarian Text Analysis and Translation. Yes, she’s also Miss Goodie-Too-Shoes. However, she has never licked anyone’s a**.
51) FYI: one more human being has been born to this world today.
52) today she has translated some random manual, eaten the kind of food that puts your mouth on fire, gone to a Swedish supermarket and is now bleeding to death.
53) heyhey, sometimes she exaggurates just a wee bit.
54) Her favourite tv-show is Bones, just because she can relate to Dr. Brennan.
55) There is vodka in that glass. The best vodka in the world, by the way, is Zubrowka.
56) And you must think she is a drunk.
57) The most beautiful man on the planet is Gael Garcia Bernal.
58) And the "oh I would love to look like her" is a certain Swedish fitness blogger.
59) She’s into positive psychology because she believes that happiness is a science far more interesting than "normal psychology". Besides, being happy is much more fun than being depressed. Been there, done that... that’s the way it is.
60) she will analyse you and your actions very carefully
61) did anyone say disorganised? That’s the best word to describe her.
62) her favourite poet is Alexander Blok.
63) she’s got 3 piercings but doesn’t wear anything in them.
64) and she’d like to get one more. Piercing that is.
65) is there anything more exciting than getting lost in a strange city?
66) and striking up a conversation with a random stranger?
67) conversations with friends are good as well...
68)... especially if tea is involved,
69) she also likes to swim like a dolphin and play in the water.
70) when she was 12 years old she received thousands of letters from Kenya.
71) but she didn’t marry any of those candidates. (Yes, someone suggested that her parents swap her for a couple of cows).
72) because she is still waiting for the right one to fall down on one knee...
73)... yes, we know that the young women of today have been brainwashed.
74) but just so you know, she’d make a darn good wife.
75) the dream job has something to do with psychology, happiness and motivation.
76) if she wouldn’t be so uncreative, she’d love to be a writer.
77) she was bullied in school and has never really gotten over it –> she still needs to prove that she is the best at everything she does, hence all the languages.
78) all in all, she is a happy individual.
78) enough is enough and this is it.
Very nice ! I feel that you and I have a lot in common, we could be sisters. Except that I don't speak nearly as many languages as you.
I love reading about the life you're living. You're life is the life I dream about living. Keep on exploring the world.
Wow..that is one long list! Thanks for sharing, gal! I agree with Senorita..you are living one helluva life that many of us can only dream about! Keep living that dream! =)
Ohh, thanks for your comments :) You know, sometimes I feel like my life is just complete randomness without any direction, so it feels good to hear that there are other ways of looking at it, that some people even dream about leading such a life :)
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