Wednesday 14 October 2009

The Life of an Ant


The other day when I was philosophising in the bathtub, I realised that my life is quite similar to that of an ant. Ants are very hardworking little creatures who spend their lives building anthills, but it's highly doubtful whether they have any idea at all of what they are doing. They just work until they die without any specific goals in their life. And I do the same. Maybe I am slightly more independent than an ant, and more aware of the available options but still I decide to overwhelm myself with studies. Nobody forces me to, usually I just get weird looks from people when they hear what I do so I prefer to keep my mouth neatly shut.

But still in the bath I decided that I, and the ants, are doing the right thing. We might not be the envied leaders of the pack nor are we the cool kids but indeed we are enjoying ourselves. It's not the end result that counts but the process of getting there. A world without learning (and anthills) would be pretty boring to say the least. And it is a known fact that if you do what you enjoy, you will be happier. Not to mention that the obsession of curiosity and trying to figure out the world is probably a lot more useful than many other brilliant ideas that have occurred mankind.   


1 comment:

Le Hamster Ruso said...

Looking your shopping list... are you sure that your life is similiar to an ant? he he he