Monday, 24 August 2009

Back In Business

The holidays are over even if it is difficult to believe that it is
almost autumn. The trip was exhausting, yet relaxing and I feel that I'm
filled with new energy and a big dose of decisiveness that I didn't have
a couple of weeks ago.

Autumn is always full of promises and resolutions, very much like the
New Year. To a certain degree, it is more of a new beginning than
January, after all, the change between summer and autumn is more radical
than the slight differences between December and January.

So, here are my resolutions:

- Follow my study & exercise plan: now is the time to lose my time
optimism. I always think I have about 72 hours to spend each day, which
really isn't the case. However, I will be able to do everything I want
to if I do it according to schedule. Boring? Maybe, but hopefully the
end result will be worth it.

- Get my shorts back on. This is oh so sad but oh so true. I'm far from
overweight, but it would be nice to get back to my "Russia size". Having
learnt from my mistakes (i.e. fainting in public places) however, this
time I'll eat more than just porridge, kefir and coca cola light and
exercise more.

- Try a new activity and challenge myself: fencing, belly dancing and
tango are some of the things I might be interested in.

Does anyone else have any great plans for this autumn?

1 comment:

Le Hamster Ruso said...

Yeah, I've, but my plans are more kiddy than yours hehehe. I want to beat the game "Devil May Cry 4", for example he he he...