Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Minapa kopioin

No matter how confused and lost I seem to be, people always (and everywhere) insist on speaking to me. Completely randomly. Why me? It can be anything: directions, help, trying to hit on me... Todays examples.
*man at the post office: started telling me how well I speak Spanish (a)is it that obvious I am a foreigner? b)I was only asking for stamps for God´s sake) and then started asking about the weather in Finland ("oh, it must be freeeeeezing")
*lady in the cosmetics shop: started going on about promotions (well, I suppose it´s her job) and I had no clue what she was on about
*old lady in the supermarket: couldn´t read the text on the yoghurt pot so I had to go through the ingredients.
*two random survey guys in the stairs: ("do you live upstairs?""yes, but I don´t speak Spanish" Now sod off)
I know, I know... if I want to learn the language I´ll have to speak to people, so this is really good practice. Really, it is. Fluency guaranteed in no time.

*tama on siis kopioitu omasta blogistani


The Paper Froglet said...

LOL, I know how you feel. Especially on a day that you know that your mood and people are NOT going to mix that day! I am told I "have one of those faces"....whatever that means. I think I am going to go get one of those surgical masks so people will stay away from me. :P

Zsuzsi said...

Sounds like a brilliant idea :P