Tuesday 24 April 2012

As Of Late

TT went to Spain yesterday morning, so I’ve been messing up the whole house. A couple of hours have also been dedicated to exercising and once in a while I’ve found myself scribbling on some university assignment. It’s deadline after deadline and exams are coming up. The rest of the time I’ve been eating candy and trying to convince myself that exercise gives two points and the candy only minus one, so I’m still getting in shape. Positive thinking will take you far, let’s believe in that Smile

All of this in 2 days. Oh, and every morning I have spent an incredible amount of time swearing and cursing, while throwing clothes on the floor. How hard can it be to find something decent to wear?

Today’s desperate outfit (desperate in the sense that it was the only clothes I found at 8 a.m.)


Don’t fear. I do take pictures of other things too.

Like flowers (you’d better appreciate this, I had to invade the neighbours in order to demonstrate that spring is arriving). How cool isn’t it, by the way, that it’s still fairly light at 10 pm. Nothing beats the white summers of the North. Nothing.



Tuesday entertainment: Hungarian literature and tea. It doesn’t take much to be happy Smile


Go Crazy said...

Aamu-unisena kuuden aikaan aamulla kaikki, vaatteiden etsimisestä lähtien, tuntuu ylivoimaiselta. Ratkaisin ongelman tekemällä mahdollisimman paljon (vaatteet, eväät, laukun pakkaus...) valmiiksi edellisenä iltana. Vaan mitenkään saisi opetettua kissalle, ettei aamulla ole ruoka-aika...

Zsuzsi said...

Mulle puoli kahdeksalta herääminenkin on jo kidutusta. Ei ollut aikaisemmin, vaikka herätys oli ennen seitsemää.
Kissalle on kyllä varmaan vaikea opettaa uudet ruoka-ajat...

Smedette said...

You are so pretty!

Glad spring has arrived.